Eileen Fisher Ministries
Corporate Word given January 30, 2024
I hear the Lord say, “I’ve spoken of you and I’ve spoken to you about the ‘Spirit of
Enlightenment.’ Now tonight I would say that ‘Enlightenment’ will become ‘lightness,’ where
you will start to have the lightness in your heart, for ‘My yoke is easy, My burden is light.’ ”
Matthew 11:30
30 “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (NKJV)
“I am going to start to become known to each and every one of you, and your households, as a
‘burden-bearer’; not as ‘co-burden-bearer’, but as one who comes in and takes the burdens off of
you, so that you can have peace, strength, joy, healing, comfort, security and confidence.
“I am coming tonight and I am breaking down self-confidence, and I am planting in each and
every one of your spirits My confidence. My confidence within Myself, within My Father, within
My Spirit, that We have called you. We have equipped you. We have a plan for good for you.
“Yes, there really are more for you than against you. Even when the enemy comes in …
Remember he’s the father of lies. I’m the Father of Truth! Remember he is the defeated foe. I am
the Risen Savior! When I said ‘It is Finished.’ It was finished!”
John 19:28,30
28 Later, knowing that all was now completed … 30 … Jesus said, “It is finished.” With
that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (NIV)
“Give Me time. Learn and practice to release things quickly. Quicker and quicker and quicker, to
where at the very instant of a bad report you call Me in as one to answer that report. For I am not
the God of distance. If I had remained the God of distance, I would not have died on the cross.
Did I not say ‘I am within you’?”
1 John 4:4
4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is
greater than he who is in the world. (NKJV)
“Yes, and your heart is My throne. Now, I’m going to train you on how to come before the
‘Throne of Grace’ and rest, petition, become stronger.
“Let Me worry, not to the point like you would, because I am not man. I do not worry in the
nature of man. I simply watch. I watch. I await. I align. I supply. I re-align.
“But I am also the God of the worrisome. When My people worry, I recognize that, and I bring in
intervention, and I bring in a plan.
“Worry is the opposite of worship. Worry feeds the demonic. Worry causes My own to bow
down and watch what he is doing. Worship calls him to bow down and tremble, because he
knows the blood. He knows the cross. He knows the resurrection.
“Yes he can accuse you, but I have acquitted you. Understand, I am your ‘Freedom Fighter.’
I take on the worry of man, only to replace it with the worship of their God.
“For that too, worry was nailed to the cross, died on that cross, so that glory and answers could
come forth; that I would be known as the God who is near His own. I am not the God of
distance. But I am the God of ‘insistence.’ I insist you recognize My love. I insist that you come
before Me and allow Me to bless you, and to tend to your broken hearts, and to attend to your
worries and your wounds, your doubts, your fears, your sickness, your disease and your joy.
“Bring Me in to the wedding of celebration of answered prayer, for I am the God of
co-habitation. Recognize this and let your light become transformed by the knowledge, ‘Lo, I am
with you always.’ ”
Matthew 28:18-20
18 … Jesus came and spoke to them saying … 19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (NKJV)
“Remember, I call you to be with Me always, and in that position you will find things fade away
and melt at the presence of the goodness of your God, says the Lord your God in Jesus’ name.